Friday, 13 December 2013

thesis statements "koala"

         Everybody knows the koala, that sweet Australian animal that resembles a teddy bear. Although koalas look like toys, they are actually strong climbers and spend their days in the treetops. Mother koalas carry their babies around from tree to tree in a pouch, or pocket, on their stomach. Although there were millions of koalas in Australia in the past, they  are now a protected species of animal. As a result of human population growth, deforestation and hunting, the number of koalas has declined.  
         Australian government, now make regulations on the prohibition of hunting koalas and create severe penalties for those who violate them. As we know koala is live in the tree, and then one of the factors that reduce the koala population is illegal logging, therefore the Government makes a policy that koala is an animal that is protected by the state. To prevent the continued decline of the koala population, they have planned to create a nature reserve that will protect them from hunter and deforestation. The plan of this nature reserves already in the final process. they have prepared everything. Budget is already out, so the making of this nature reserve can already be done in next month.

                                                                                          Written by Bangkit Sunu R

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