Thursday, 12 December 2013

Thesis Statement (Koala)

 Riris Dewi Aryanti-1201050076-C

b.         By the day human population is increasing. The resulting our needs also increased and fulfilled difficult. Examples, needs of shelters, health, education, and so on. Because of difficulty of fulfilled needs, they sometimes endeavor sufficient  their needs in a way that is not good and cause damage to the environment. For example, since the lack of  land in the city so many developers who build houses in the green land or productive land without think about the negative effects from it. There are so many interested person who want to buy houses, it forced developers to deforestation. It cause damage to the environment and damaging the habitat of animals that live in it. One of them are Koala, because koalas is one of the animals who spend their time on the top tree.
            The hunt of koala is increasing, now  there are people aware that koalas has high economic value. Koala has unique shape.. The uniqueness shape of koala makes the collectors want to have it and hunt the koala to be their collections or to sell to others collectors, it cause the number of koalas has declined and make the koala included a protected species of animal.

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